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Generative Art NFT | Kaloh NFT | Floor Is Rising NFT Podcast

Source: Gwendal Tsang

In our recent interview with Kaloh, we discussed his views on what makes Generative Art NFTs valuable and how generative art continues to evolve as a category.

Who is Kaloh NFT

Kaloh is an NFT collector with a decade-long experience in software development, data science, and product management. His first interaction with cryptocurrency, in general, though mining Bitcoin at his internship, followed by piqued interest in the Ethereum blockchain (ETH), which subsequently led to him becoming acquainted with NFT projects, driven by the desire to understand NFTs from a technological perspective.

Besides collecting NFTs, Kaloh also writes blogs that offer help for beginners with works such as “How to flip NFTs (for beginners), “How to critique generative art”, and many others. He believes that NFTs provide the perfect medium for generative art projects, allowing digital artists to do things that are otherwise impossible in the traditional art world. He also believes that the current trending of NFTs will continue to rise in the years to come as the technology progress and arts transition to digital forms.

Kaloh’s Take on Generative NFT Art

Source: Pixabay

Our discussion on generative crypto art touched upon the subject of digital artists creating generative art using layered images created in Photoshop. There’s a big discussion within the sphere of generative NFT art whether using layered images to create unique NFTs is or isn’t generative art in a true sense. At the same time, some argue that layered images aren’t generative art; others claim that it’s just another more complex way of expressing one’s creativity.

Creating hundreds of layered images and turning them into digital art that looks good is incredibly time-consuming instead of using smart contracts and algorithms. Both result in unique non-fungible tokens that differ amongst themselves in coding — which only attests to their uniqueness. In Kaloh’s opinion, generative art should be a combination of the final work’s aesthetics, its internal coding, and the techniques used — just like with the traditional piece of art.

Interestingly enough, given his programmer background, Kaloh sometimes goes through source codes of individual pieces he acquired and added to his NFT collection. This is strictly a case of technological curiosity and desire to see and learn how each piece was coded.

Generative Art Platforms

Generative art platforms are basically NFT art markets that allow users to showcase and sell generative art. However, they’re more than just NFT marketplaces; for example, the Art Blocks platform also hosts the artist’s generative scripts, allowing them to create or mint new artwork.

FX Hash

In our interview, Kaloh also mentioned a new platform, FX Hash, and credits his increasing engagement into the NFT world specifically to this platform. The platform operates on the Tezos blockchain and actually provides insight into certified minimized versions of the code contained in each art piece.

Art Blocks

Speaking of platforms, Kaloh agreed that Art Blocks is one of the most prominent platforms that first comes to mind when thinking of generative art. However, Art Block is more of a premium platform that curates top-tier generative NFTs but also offers curation that could multiply the value of a single piece thousands of times.


Source: Pixabay

Kaloh NFT is a generative art thought leader who offers insights into NFT market analysis, collecting NFTs, and discovering up-and-coming crypto artists through his blog, including a monthly NFT giveaway.

Listen to the entire episode on the Floor Is Rising podcast if you want to hear more about Kaloh’s thoughts on the evaluation of Generative Art NFTs. And if you’re interested in Generative Art NFTs, Floor is Rising offers a six-episode series on Generative Artists, featuring artists like Shvembldr, Rafael Rozendaal, Tyler Hobbs, Matt Deslauriers, Kjetil Golid, and  Manolo Gamboa Naon.



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